Merry Social Media Marketing: Part Two

Step 5: Consistent brand image  

This step isn’t ambiguous. Quite simply, it suggests that maintaining a brand on a regular basis is an easy, necessary factor to consider when running a business. For example, for all social media accounts your business should include the same profile picture and biography that represents your services. Your brand logo should ideally be the profile picture so that it is easy to find in search results.

Posting 3-5 times a day on Facebook or Twitter for optimal engagement should make a difference to your Google Analytics activity. Whether it’s sharing new articles or old content, think how you can make it look more appealing than last time, by updating the style or changing the words, to engage a larger audience. Posting daily will represent a dedicated, determined and unique brand. Not only this, but in fact interacting with your audience will encourage them to engage more with your content and increase customer activity rates; and you can guess what that will generate. This is more likely as they recognize your social media presence, so your brand is perceived as trustworthy. At the same time, write from the heart to indicate you passion. It’s important to remember that people purchase based on emotion. Consistent activity will show a professional work ethic and this should show connections how dedicated your business can be to your customers.

Step 6: Following the competition 

If you find competitors that seem successful with their marketing, have a look at their keywords and gain insight to understand what they’re doing right. Perhaps it will help you discover how you can market in a more appealing way. Look at competitor blogs to monitor their keywords and writing style. Short and snappy, or long and factual?

Following on from this, don’t forget that you are the competition, and as a result you will need to post innovative content for your audience that makes you different. Your aim is to outdo your competition. Millions of photos and articles are shared and published every day on social media, so let’s just say the competition is, well, high. Stand out in your own authentic way.

Whilst maintaining your brand’s individuality, it never hurts to track what blogs and videos your competition views repeatedly, in order to gain an insight into useful tips that generate marketing. For example, recently i saw online that a competitor was constantly commenting on their clients’ posts, things such as ‘Well done’ or ‘What an achievement’. Even a ‘Happy Birthday’. I realized i was not interacting with my followers the way i should be. Surprisingly, competitors actually teach you things without anyone even realizing it!

Final tip for step 6: If you see online that a customer of a competitor isn’t happy with them, that’s your chance to swoop in and design a campaign appealing to the customer’s needs and desires. They’re likely to switch to your business in lieu of the competition, which strengthens your brand’s name.

Step 7: Outsourcing and managing your time

How do you make the most of what you have? Time is the one commodity that people want more of, but does not stand still. Time management is probably the most valuable quality anyone in business, or in life in general, could possess. Think about how you can maximize your time without having to lose sleep or work during your lunch break. Get an early nights sleep, head to work earlier than rush hour traffic, and plan your day before 9am. You’ll have a fresh mind and a clear plan to follow. Consider your priorities in the process.

After procrastination, distractions are a prime factor in not getting work done. Mobile phones are portable and contain every type of information or entertainment you want. Becoming familiar with the lesson on the jar of rocks, stones, and pebbles will teach you the value of work and will explain why procrastination is best to avoid. It teaches important life lessons.

Setting a timer is invaluable. Including breaks is vital as otherwise you will slow down and will not maintain focus. Use the Pomodoro technique which consists of 25 minute work sessions and valuable breaks. Apply timings to individual jobs and stick to it, even if one is not completed, postpone its development until another time of another day. Tick what you have completed and note down how far you got on a particular job. You will see delightful and effective results.

One of the most imperative points to mention is… outsource. Don’t take on more than you can manage. As an alternative, spread jobs across your team so that everyone involved actively works together and can manage their workload equally. You’ll also extend teamwork building this way.

Step 8: Value before money 

On social media, everyone – whether they are a business, a personal account, or a celebrity – will receive either affirmation or hate. Make sure you focus on the former and ignore the latter. In terms of business, you invest time and effort into creating your social media image to appear unique and special, and that is what determines value. Money is important in business, but it isn’t everything. Let your business thrive on its own hard work and rewards will follow, starting as lead generations and then resulting in profit.

Your brand should ideally always adopt a personal conversational tone instead of a stiff manner. Keep your personal accounts proper as well, as you wouldn’t want your personal mannerisms to be associated with your brand, and this could damage the brand’s reputation. Maintaining an appropriate personal image as well as a professional business image will help to maximize your sales.

Including a call-to-action message in a post is always useful in getting customers to visit your website. For example, ‘Click here … ’ adds value to your brand by providing an opportunity to the reader to gain further information about you, encouraging a trust to develop. 

So there you have it – 8 steps on how to enhance your business via multiple social media channels available to the modern world.

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